Sonja Wipf

Dr. Klimaforscherin, WSL, SLF, Davos. Arctic Research (Quelle: SCNAT). Tundra
Wipf, Sonja


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Frei, E.R., V. Stöckli, C. Rixen u. S. Wipf Faster, Higher, More? Past, Present and Future Dynamics of Alpine and Arctic Flora under Climate Change. Abstracts. International Conference, 22. – 25. Sept. 2013, Bergün, Switzerland, WSL Birmensdorf.2013
Rixen, Christian, C. Schwoerer u. S. Wipf Winter climate change at different temporal scales in Vaccinium myrtillus, an arctic and alpine dwarf shrub. Polar Research, 29, 85-94.2010
Rixen, Christian, S. Wipf, E. Frei u. V. Stöckli Faster, higher, more? Past, present and future dynamics of alpine and arctic flora under climate change. Editorial. Alpine Botany, 124, 77-79.2014
Myers-Smith, I.H., B.C. Forbas, M. Wilmking, T. Lantz, D. Blok, K.D. Tape, M. Maclas-Fauria, U. Sass, Klaassen, E. Lévesque, S. Boudreau, P. Ropars, L. Hermanutz, A. Trant, L.S. Collier, S. Weijers, J. Rozema, S.A. Rayback, N.M. Schmidt, G. Schaepman-Strub, S. Wipf, C. Rixen, C.B. Ménard, S. Venn, S. Goetz, L. Andreu-Hayles, S. Elmendorf, V. Ravolainen, J. Welker, P. Grogan, H.E. Epstein u. D.S. Hik Shrub expansion in tundra ecosystems: Dynamics, impacts and research priorities. Environmental Research Letters 6. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/045509, 15 pp.2011
Myers-Smith, I.H., M. Hallinger, D. Blok, U. Sass-Klaassen, S.A. Rayback, s. Weijers, A. Trant, K.D. Tape, A.T. Naito, S. Wipf, C. Rixen, M. Dawes, J. Wheeler, A. Buchwal, C. Battinger, M. Macias-Fauria, B. Forbes, E. Lévesque, N. Boulanger-Lapointe, I. Beil, V. Ravolainen u. M. WilmkingMethods for measuring arctic and alpine shrub grouth: A review. Earth Sciences Reviews, 140, 1-13.2014
Wipf, Sonja, C.P.H. Mulder, V. Stöckli u. B. Schmid Winter climate change in snow rich environments: Reactions of arctic and alpine plant communities. Poster presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA), 3.-8. August, 2003, Savannah, GA, USA.2003
Wipf, Sonja, C.P.H. Mulder u. C. Rixen Winter climate matters! The reaction of tundra plants to snow manipulations. Poster presented at the 6th Swiss Global Change Day, 7. April 2005 in Bern, CH.2005
Wipf, Sonja Winter climate Channge in Tundra Ecosystems: The Importance of Snow Cover. Universität Zürich, Dissertation Juli 2006.2006
Wipf, Sonja, C. Rixen u. P. Bebi Winter climate change: How do alpine tundra plants respond to reduced snow deph and advanced snowmelt? Poster presented at the ESSP Open Science Conference on Global Change, 9.-12. Nov. 2006 in Beijing, China.2006
Wipf, Sonja Phenology, growth, and fecundity of eight subarctic tundra species in response to snowmelt manipulatons. Plant Ecology, 207, 53-66.2010
Wipf, Sonja u. C. Rixen A review of snow manipulation experiments in Arctic and alpine ecosystems. Polar Research, 29, 95-109.2010
Wipf, Sonja, C. Rixen u. C.P.H. Mulder Advanced snowmelt causes shift towards positive neighbour interactions in a subarctic tundra community. Global change Biology, 12, 1496-1506.2010
Wipf, Sonja, M. Gottfried u. L. Nagy Climate change and extreme events – their impacts on alpine and arctic ecosystem structure and function. Editorial. Plant Ecology & Diversity. 6, 303-306.2013