Carolin Arndt Foppa

Dr. Meeresbiologin. Eistaucherin. Dissertation Spitzbergen 2004 über Polarmeere. Carolin Arndt ist ursprünglich Hamburgerin.
Seit 2006 bei der World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) in Genf
Frau, verheiratet mit Nando R. Foppa, Geograf
Arndt Foppa, Carolin

born 1975


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Arndt, CarolinEcosystem dynamics in Arctic sea ice: the impact of physical and biological processes on the occurrence and distribution of sympagic amphipods. Dissertation, University Centre on Svalbard and Norwegian College of Fishery Science, Norway2004
Arndt, Carolin, J. BrandtMouthpart-atlas of arctic sympagic amphipods - trophic niche separation based on mouthpart morphology and feeding ecology. Journal of Crustacean Biology 25, 401-412.2005
Arndt, CarolinFeeding ecology of the arctic sympagic amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii - physiological studies. Diplomarbeit. Zoological Institute and Museum, University of Hamburg, Deutschland.2001
Arndt, Carolin, G. Fernandez-Leborans, L. Seuthe, J. Berge, B. GulliksenCiliated epibionts on the arctic sympagic amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii as indicators for sympago-benthic coupling. Marine Biology. doi 10.1007/s00227-005-1599-4.i2005
Arndt, Carolin, O. PavlovaOrigin and fate of ice fauna in the Fram Strait - Svalbard area. Marine Ecology Process Series 3001, 55-66.2005
Fernandez-Leborans, G., Carolin Arndt, R. GabilondoProtozoan epibionts on the Arctic ice-amphipod Gammarus Wilkitzkii from Spitzbergen (Norway). Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 38, 3, 343-346.2006
Arndt, Carolin, F. BeuchelLife history and population dynamics of the arctic sympagic amphipods Onisimus nanseni Dars and O. glacialis Sars (Gammaridea: Lysianassidae). Polar Biology 29, 239-248.2006
Arndt, Carolin, Swadling, K.M.Crustacea in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice: occurrence, diet and life strategies. Advances in Marine Biology 51, 198-315.2006