Julie Lattaud

Dr. ETH Geologin. 2020: Arktisexpedition in die Beaufortsee mit dem Eisbrecher Amundsen
Seit 2019 an der ETH Zürich. Permafrost-Untersuchungen
2021 Teilnahme an der PeCaBeau-Expedition im Beaufort Schelf.
Lattaud, Julie


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Lattaud, Julie, C. De. Jonge, A. Pearson, F.J. Elling, T.I. EglintonMicrobial lipid signatures in Arctic deltaic sediments - insights into methane cycling and climate veriability. EarthArXiv, https://doi.org.10.3929/ethz-b-0004508742020
Lattaud, J., L. Bröder, N. Haghipour, J. Rickli, I. Giosan, T.I. EglintonInfluence of Hydraulic Connectivity on Carbon Burial Efficiency in Mackenzie Delta Lake Sediments. JGR Biogeosciences, Research Article 10.1029/2020JG006054,1-18.2021