Wilfried Häberli

Prof. em. Dr. Uni Zürich, Glaziologe. Vorstand Naturforschende Gesellschaft.
Worlds Glaciological Monitoring Service
Häberli, Wilfried

born 1947


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Blatter, Heinz u. W. HaeberliModelling temperature distribution in Alpine Glaciers. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 5, 18-22.1984
Hoelzle, Martin, W. Haeberli, M. Dischl u. W. Peschke Secular glacier mass balances derived from cumulative glacier length changes. Global and Planetary Change 36, 295-306.2003
Paul, Frank, R.G. Barry, J.G. Cogley, H. Frey, W. Haeberli, A. Ohmura, C.S.L. Ommanney, B. Raup, A. Rivera u. M. ZempRecommendations for the compilation of glacier inventory data from digital sources. Annals of Glaciology 50(53), 119-126.2009
Zemp, Martin, W. Haeberli, M. Hoelzle u. F. Paul Glaciers and Icecaps. In: Terrestrial Essential climate variables GTOS Biennial Report Supplement, R. Sessa and H. Dolman (Eds.) Report 52, 22-23.2008
Zemp, Michael, M. Hoelzle u. W. Haeberli Six decades of glacier mass-balance: a review of the worldwide monitoring network. Annals of Glaciology 50 (50), 101-111.2009
Harris, C., Vonder Mühll, D., Isaksen, K., Haeberli, W., Sollid, J.L. King, L., Holmlund, P., Dramis, F., Guglielmin, M., Palacios, D.Warming Permafrost in European mountains. Global and Planetary Change, 39, 3-4, 215-225.2003
Harris, C. L. Arenson, H. Christiansen, B. Etzelmüller, R. Frauenfelder, S. Gruber, W. Haeberli, C. Hauck, M;. Hölzle, O. Humlum, K. Isaksen, A. Kääb, M.A. Kern-Lütschg, M. Lehning, N. Matsuoka, J.B. Murton, J. Nötzli, M. Phillips, N. Ross, M. Seppälä, S,M, Springman u. D. Vonder MühllMonitoring and modelling thermal geomorphological and geotechnical responses. Earth-Science Reviews, 92, 117-171.2009
Zemp, M. W. Häberli, C. Huggel, A. Kääb et al.Glaciers and ice caps. Part I: Global overview and outlook. Part II: Glacier changes around the world. In: UNEP: Global outlook for ice & snow. UNEP/GRID-Arendal, Norway, pp.115-152.2007
Bishop, M.P., W. Häberli, A. Kääb, F. Paul u.a.Global land ice measurement from space (GLIMS): Remote sensing and GIS investigations of the Earth's cryosphere. Geocarto International 19, 2, 57-84.2004
Harris, Charles, L. Arensen. H. Christiansen, B. Ethelmüller, R. Frauenfelder, S. Gruber, W. Haeberli, C. Hauck, M. Hölzle, O. Humlum, K. Isaksen, A. Kääb, M.A. Kern-Lütschg, M. Lehning, N. Matsuoka, J.B. Murton, J. Nötzli, M. Phillips, N. Ross, M. Seppälä, S. Springman, D. Vonder MühlPermafrost and climate in Europe: Monitoring and modelling thermal geomorphological and technical responses. Earth-Science Reviews, 92, 117-171.2009
Haeberli, Wilfried, H. Bösch, K. Scherler, G. Ostrem u. C.C. WallénWorld Glacier Inventory, Status 1988. Wallingford, etc. IAHS, UNEP & UNESCO.1988
Weilfried Häberli, Josef Cihlar u. Roger G. BarryGlacier monitoring within the Global Climate Observing System. Annals of Glaciology 31, 241-246.2000
Häberli, WilfriedGlaciers and ice caps: historical background of world-wide monitoring. In: Bamber, J.L. and A.J. Payne (eds). Mass Balance of the Cryosphere. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 559-578.2004
Haeberli, WilfriedGlacier ice-cored rock glaciers in the Yukon Territory, Canada? Journal of Glaciology, 35, 120, 294-2951989