Michael Lehning

Prof. Dr.sc.nat. ETH. Prof. an der EPFL Lausanne, WSL DavosLehning, Michael

born 1967


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Dadic, R., M. Schneebeli, M. Lehning, M.A. Hutterli u. A. Ohmura Impact of the Microstructure of Snow on its Temperature: A Model Valodation with Measurements from Summit, Greenland. J. Geophys. Res. 113/D14, D14303. doi:10.1029/2007JD009562.2008
Obleitner, F. u. M. Lehning Measurements and simulation of snow and superimposed ice at the Kongsvegen glacier, Svalbard (Spitzbergen). J. Geophys. Res. 109D, D044106.2004
Dadic, Ruzica, R. Mott, H.J. Morgan, M. LehningObservations, theory, and modeling of the differential accumulation of Antarctic megadunes. Journal of Geophysical-Earth Surface, 118, 4, 2342-2353.2013
Trujillo, Erneso, K. Colby Leonard, T. Maksym, M. LehningChanges in snow distribution and surface topography following a smowstrom on Antarctic sea ice. Journal of Geophysical Research F: Earth Surface, 121, 11, 2171-2191. doi:10.1002/2016JF003893.2016
Harris, C. L. Arenson, H. Christiansen, B. Etzelmüller, R. Frauenfelder, S. Gruber, W. Haeberli, C. Hauck, M;. Hölzle, O. Humlum, K. Isaksen, A. Kääb, M.A. Kern-Lütschg, M. Lehning, N. Matsuoka, J.B. Murton, J. Nötzli, M. Phillips, N. Ross, M. Seppälä, S,M, Springman u. D. Vonder MühllMonitoring and modelling thermal geomorphological and geotechnical responses. Earth-Science Reviews, 92, 117-171.2009
Sigmund, Armin, J. Dujardin, F. Comola, V. Sharma. H. Huwald, D.B. Melo, N. Hirasawa, M. LehningEvidence of strong Flux Underestimation by Bulk Parametrizations During Drifting and Blowing Snow. Boundary-Layer Metorology. Https://www.dora/lib4ri.ch/wsl/islandora/object/wsl:283422021
Haumann, F. Alexander, K. Leonhard, M.P. Meredith, C. Arrowsmith, I.V. Gorodeetskaya, J. Hutschings, M. Lehning, M.J. Leng, S. Stammerjohn, M. Tsukerniok, Y. WeberSeawater stable isotope measurements from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE). Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo,1494915, 2019.2020
Haumann, F. Alexander, K. Leonhard, M.P. Meredith, G. Budéus, I.V. Gorodetskaya, M. Lehning, S. Stammerjohn, M. Tsukernik, Y. WeberSeawater salinity sample measurements from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE). Zenodo, https:doi.org/10.5281/zenodo, 1494924, 2020.2020
Wever, N., E. Keenan, E., C. Amory, M. Lehning., H. Huwald, J.M. LenaertsNew snow density in the drifting snow dominated environment of Antarctica (in review)2022
Harris, Charles, L. Arensen. H. Christiansen, B. Ethelmüller, R. Frauenfelder, S. Gruber, W. Haeberli, C. Hauck, M. Hölzle, O. Humlum, K. Isaksen, A. Kääb, M.A. Kern-Lütschg, M. Lehning, N. Matsuoka, J.B. Murton, J. Nötzli, M. Phillips, N. Ross, M. Seppälä, S. Springman, D. Vonder MühlPermafrost and climate in Europe: Monitoring and modelling thermal geomorphological and technical responses. Earth-Science Reviews, 92, 117-171.2009