Expression of the bipolar see-saw in Antarctic climate records during the last deglaciation. Nature Geoscience, 4, 46-49.Stenni, B., D. Burion, M. Frezzotti, S. Alberti, M. Baumgartner, C. Brabante, E. Bard, H.M. Barnola, M. Baroni, M. Bonazza, Delmonte, E. Capron, E. Castellano, B. Delmonte, S. Falourd, L. Genoni, P. Iacunin, J. Jouzel, S. Kipfstuhl, B. Lemieux-Dudon, V. Maggi, V. Masson-Delmotte, C. Mazzola, B. Minster, M. Montagnat, R. Mulveney, B. Narcisi, H. Oerter, F. Parrenin. J.R. Petit, C. Scarilli, A. Schilt, S. Schüpbach, J. Schwander, E. Selmo, M. Severi, T.F. Stocker u. R. Udisti 2011

Authors present in Database

Baumann, Max
Baumgartner, Matthias
Schilt, Adrian
Schwander, Jakob
Schüpbach, Simon
Stocker, Thomas