Lessons learned from IPCC AR4: Future scientific developments needed to understand, predict and respond to climate change. Bull. Am. Met. Soc. 90, 4, 497-513.Doherty, S.J., S. Bojinski, A. Henderson-Sellers, K. Noone, D. Goodrich, N.L. Bindorff, J.A. Church, K.A. Hibbard, T.R. Karl, L. Kaiifez-Bogataj, A.H. Lynch, D.E. Parker, I.C. Prentrice, V. Ramaswamy, R.J. Simmons, M.S. Smith, K. Steffen, T.F. Stocker, P.W. Thorne, K.E. Trenberth, M.M. Venstraete u. F.W. Zwiers 2009

Authors present in Database

Steffen, Konrad
Stocker, Thomas